Orlando Whirlwind

Well we are back from Orlando and have had time to reflect on everything that happened. First, a big thanks to all of the breed clubs that hosted Open Shows and made them the largest Open Shows ever! Second, a huge thanks to the NADD and the AKC for putting on a great national championship.  

Time for the results: 

December 13 - Biewer Terrier Club of America Open Show - Rolo best of breed and Group 4th, Raven best of opposite

December 14 - KCUSA Open Show - Alice best of breed, Rolo best of opposite

December 15 - Barbet Club of America - Rolo best of breed, Alice best of opposite


I am thrilled with how my guys showed and the results. There was only one day where I felt that the judge didn’t seem to understand the breed, unfortunately that is how this works sometimes. I was delighted to take part in an interview with National Purebred Dog Day and Pure Dog Talk on Friday. Please feel free to check it out on the Oceania Hamiltonstovare Facebook page.  

Selene competed for the first time at the NADD Dock Diving Nationals and I was thrilled that she jumped at all considering the crowd. She was not competitive but she did do a respectable 8’8” jump. The Hamiltonstovare Club of America was represented at the Meet the Breeds event and we won a Group 4th in the booth decorating contest.  

This event was a blast and I was thrilled to see so many people interested in the breed. It was also awesome to get to hang out with Griffin (Oceania Brave at Heart CGCA) and his owner.  

A huge thanks to anybody that helped with the booth decorating. Also a huge thanks to those that looked after the house and other animals while we were gone.  

We will return next year for sure, hopefully with some new AKC titles.